2013 Conference Booklet
For the Tablet users – Ipad, Android, Windows tablet – here’s the pdf of the conference booklet. Each attender will receive a printed copy as well.
For the Tablet users – Ipad, Android, Windows tablet – here’s the pdf of the conference booklet. Each attender will receive a printed copy as well.
WCPPC favorite Dale Bruner returns in 2013 to teach us the morning Bible sessions – Overviews of the Gospels and Acts.
Dale became a Christian under the teaching of Henrietta Mears at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. It was there that he met his wife Kathy and discerned his call to be a professor.
He taught at the Union Theological Seminary in Manila, Philippines from 1964-1975. From 1975-1997, Dr. Bruner taught at Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington holding the position of George & Lyda Wasson Professor of Religion.. Since then he has been writing commentaries at the Fuller Theological Seminary, in Pasadena, California. His commentary on The Gospel of John won a 2013 Christianity Today book award. Dale is currently writing his commentary on Romans. Dale has a passion for connecting and working with scholarship on biblical narrative.
The Gospel of John: A Commentary (Feb 2012)
Matthew: A Commentary (2 volumes; revised and expanded edition, Eerdmans, 2004).
The Holy Spirit: Shy Member of the Trinity (Augsburg, 1983), with William Holdern.
A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness (Eerdmans, 1970).
Dale teaches an aweseom Adult Bible Class every Sunday at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Check out his podcasts at:
WCPPC is pleased to welcome Pastor Tod Bolsinger to our 2013 Conference. Tod is Senior Pastor of San Clemente Presbyterian Church since 1997. He will speaking in the evening on the topic of leadership in the church.
Dr. Tod Bolsinger came to San Clemente Presbyterian in 1997 after serving for ten years at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1993. He earned a Ph.D. in Theology and Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and has taught M.Div and D. Min classes at Fuller Theological Seminary and Denver Seminary. He is the author of two books and contributer to two others. He speaks and consults with church, organizational and business leadership groups with TAG Consulting. He writes a weblog at http://bolsinger.blogs.com and can be found on both Facebook and LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/todbolsinger).
Tod has been gleefully married to Beth since 1989. Beth is a mom, artist, marriage and family counselor in private practice and wicked good cook. They have two teenage children, Brooks and Ali who are beautiful human beings. He thrives by balancing quiet reflection and restless, collaborative creativity, by studying and playing outside. He enjoys learning, reading, and thinking about organizational systems issues that other people find frustrating or boring. He loves hanging out with his family, barbecuing meat, drinking non-fat, no-foam lattes, eating meals outside, planning and taking adventures, looking for real estate he can’t afford and rooting for the Angels baseball club. He reads avidly; hikes happily, runs (almost) daily, “races” triathlons slowly; skis recklessly; fly-fishes enthusiastically; surfs awkwardly; and golfs…really, really poorly.
If he wasn’t in ministry, he’d be a national park ranger. And when he retires he wants to be a “ski host” and help get four people on every quad chair.
Check out Tod’s blog at bolsinger.blogs.com
Mike Seawright returns as Conference Worship Leader. Mike is Staff Leader for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of San Diego. He is a Candidate for PCUSA ordination. Mike blends historic hymns and new songs of worship. He is orthodox, missional, and fun to be around. If you’d like to serve as musician or vocalist on the conference worship team, contact Mike @ mtseawright@gmail.com