Free Time
Consistent times of worship, rest, and laughter make WCPPC a unique and restorative continuing education week in the annual ministry life of pastors.
Nestled among beautiful hiking trails, the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, and beaches, the conference provides plenty of opportunities for fun, exploration, adventure, and downtime.
Small Groups
As part of our commitment to covenant community, WCPPC prioritizes small groups in each year’s conference schedule.
At the start of our small group time on Tuesday morning, we’ll gather in the Auditorium to form groups for the week. If you have a small group from previous years that you’d like to continue to meet with, you are welcome to do so. If you are new and/or open to joining a new group, we’ll meet at the front to help organize additional groups. Existing groups are also ecnouraged to welcome new people!
Log-In is an annual tradition. We begin the conference with a gathering time focused on a single question: “What is the one word that describes your past year – either in relation to ministry or to your personal life?”
Log-In is an essential and unique part of WCPPC, as it helps us build community by connecting and providing mutual encouragement to one another in our seasons of ministry. God may also use Log-In to prompt you to invite a new person into your existing WCPPC small group, lead you to a small group, or help you form a new one.